Thursday 1 January 2009

Primary Technology launches as a technical support provider for Bradford Primary Schools – August 2004

Due to large demand in the Bradford primary schools sector we have decided to launch Primary Technology as an ICT technical support service available to all Bradford schools. Our current 5 customers who are each individually subscribing to the service have had quality of service guaranteed.

We believe the reason for this demand is due to a poor level of service being offered previously by other providers. Market research shows that 60% of the Bradford schools are looking to change their provider.

Primary Technology will have several unique points of sale:
Firstly, a very high quality of service, this will be ensured through building strong relationships with the schools and with hardware/software providers inside and outside of the Bradford district. Staff will be key to this so our employment and training process is key.

Secondly, Primary Technology will focus its technical support service purely on Bradford Primary Schools. This will allow Primary Technology to build a dedicated and specialized team to deal with today’s and tomorrow’s problems in an extremely focused manner. Future expansion into other LEA’s is an option and something that will be considered annually in the AGM.

Thirdly, automation will be used to ensure high availability. By providing automation we will try to encourage and harness new technology that works inside of either the LEA parameters or those chosen by Primary Technology. Decisions will be made with Becta and other educational advice taken and will be subsequently implemented across all Bradford schools. An example of this is to encourage all Bradford schools to use the same anti virus software. By doing this we can monitor the software remotely and train all engineers to become experts in this one package. This will save time allow for quicker expansion as we progress into our growth years.

For more information on Primary Technology please see